Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
Cr : 60 % /65% min min, C : 0.03 %
HSN Code
The Indian HSN Code for Low Carbon Ferro Chrome is 72024900.
Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
Ferrochrome is an alloy of iron and chrome. Ferrochrome is often used to produce stainless steel. Ferrochrome is a low carbon form of ferrochrome. One of the most popular methods for producing ferrochrome is the direct reduction method.
Production Of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
The production of low carbon ferro chrome is a process that has been used for over 50 years. This type of ferrochrome has the lowest amount of carbon content and is used in the production of stainless steel, which makes it an environmentally friendly material. The main raw materials required to produce low carbon ferrochrome are chromite ore, coke and coal tar pitch.
Properties Of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
Ferrochrome is a ferrous metal made of chromium and iron. It’s used in the manufacture of stainless steel, as a pigment, and in the production of ferroalloys.In order to produce high quality ferrochrome, it must meet certain standards. For example, its carbon content cannot exceed 0.10% and its silicon content must be less than 0.05%.Alloys with higher carbon content are called low-carbon ferrochromium (LCC), while those with lower carbon content are called high-carbon ferrochromium (HCC).
Application Of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
Suppliers of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
A supplier of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome is a company that provides the product. Suppliers are usually private companies, but they can also be government agencies.Suppliers of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome are found in many different countries, including Belgium, Brazil, China, France, Germany and Italy.
Exporters of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
The demand for ferro chrome is increasing as a result of the growing need for ferrochrome across the world. This has resulted in an increase in the number of exporters and manufacturers of this metal.Some of these companies are based in China, while some are based in India. The demand for low carbon ferro chrome is increasing and as a result, so are the exports from these countries.
Supply range of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
The supply range of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome is in the range of 10-500 tons. The price of Ex Low Carbon Ferro Chrome is in the range of $1.00 – $10.00 per kg.
Testing of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
The low carbon ferro chrome is a ferrochrome alloy which contains chromium, nickel and iron. The chromium content of this alloy is less than 0.2% by weight. The low carbon ferro chrome was first developed in the 1980s. The main advantage of this alloy is that it can be used in the production of stainless steel which cannot be produced with high-carbon ferro chrome alloys due to their high carbon content.
Inspection of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
The ferrochrome is a key product in the production of stainless steel. The production of ferrochrome is an energy-intensive process, and it is also one of the most polluting industries in the world. This paper examines the carbon footprint of ferrochrome, and discusses how to reduce emissions from this industry.

What is Low Carbon Ferro Chrome ?
Ferrochrome is a metal alloy of iron and chromium. Ferrochrome has the highest melting point of any metallic material, making it ideal for use in high-temperature applications such as electric furnaces, high-temperature industrial furnaces, and foundry workpieces.Ferrochrome has the highest melting point of any metallic material, making it ideal for use in high-temperature applications such as electric furnaces, high-temperature industrial furnaces, and foundry workpieces.
Process of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
Low Carbon Ferro Chrome is a metal alloy that is used in the production of stainless steel. The process of manufacturing Low Carbon Ferro Chrome starts with the extraction of chromite ore from mines. This ore is then heated to between 1,000-1,200°C to produce ferrochrome.The next step in the process is to smelt ferrochrome and iron oxide at between 1,500-1,800°C. This produces a molten mixture that is called slag. Slag is then removed by using a blast furnace and it leaves behind an ingot of Ex Low Carbon Ferro Chrome which can be used as an alloying agent for stainless steel production or it can be sold as an industrial product..
Important of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome
Ferrochrome is an alloy of iron and chromium, with small amounts of other elements such as manganese, silicon, carbon and phosphorus. Ferrochrome is used in the production of stainless steel.Ferrochrome was first produced by the French chemist Louis Nicolas Vauquelin in 1803. It was initially used for medical purposes but soon it was discovered to be an excellent alloy for making knives, forks and surgical instruments.The production process of ferrochrome is quite complex and requires a lot of energy to produce. This makes it a high carbon emitting process which needs to be reduced in order to meet the Paris Agreement targets.
The melting point of iron is 1,538 degrees Celsius.