Ferro Alloys

Ferroalloy refers to various alloys of iron with a high proportion of one or more other elements such as manganese (Mn), aluminium (Al), or silicon (Si).They are used in the production of steels and alloys. The alloys impart distinctive qualities to steel and cast iron or serve important functions during production and are, therefore, closely associated with the iron and steel industry, the leading consumer of ferroalloys.

Ferro Molydbenum

Ferro Niobium

Ferro Vanadium

Ferro Titanium

Ferro Boron

Ferro Phosphorus

Ferro Tungsten

Ferro Sulphur

Ferro Silicon Manganese

Ferro Silicon Magnesium

Ferro Silicon Calcium Barium

Perlite Ore/Slag remover

Nickel Magnesium

Nickel Oxide

Steel Shots/ Grits/ Cut Wire Shots

L C Ferro Manganese

High Carbon Ferro Manganese