Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
Si : 99.9% min (Granules 1 – 5 mm)/Si : 99.9% min( Powder 200 mesh)
HSN Code
The Indian HSN Code for Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules is 28046900.
Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
Silicon is a non-metal, making it different from other semiconductors. Silicon is one of the most well-known elements in the world and has many uses. Pure silicon will not react with water or air.
Production Of Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
The production of pure silicon is a complex process. It starts with the mining of quartz sand and then follows with the purification of this sand. The purified quartz sand is then heated in a furnace to around 1425 degrees Celsius, which converts it into silicon metal. This metal then needs to be refined and finally converted into pure silicon.
Properties Of Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
Pure silicon is a chemical element. It has an atomic number of 14, and its symbol is Si. Pure silicon is a semiconductor that can be used in solar cells and other electronics.It has some very interesting properties that make it really useful for different applications.The pure silicon does not have any magnetic properties, which makes it perfect for use in electronics because it does not interfere with the electromagnetic waves that are emitted from these devices. Silicon also does not have any reactivity with oxygen or water molecules, which means it will not corrode when exposed to them.
Application Of Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
Suppliers of Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
Pure silicon is a metal and a semiconductor. It is the most abundant element in the earth’s crust. Silicon metal is obtained by heating high-purity quartz sand with coke or coal in an electric furnace to about 1450°C. Silicon metal can be cast into ingots, or it can be heated under pressure with sand and coke to form a liquid which can then be cast into ingots.
Exporters of Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth’s crust. It is a semiconductor, which means it conducts electricity under certain conditions. Silicon can be found in many different forms, including sand and quartz.It is also the most important raw material for semiconductors, solar cells and other electronic components. Silicon is used primarily to make computer chips, but it has many other applications as well.Exporters of Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules.
Supply range of Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
Pure silicon is the primary raw material for semiconductor devices, solar cells, and other high technology products. It is used in the manufacture of silicon metal, silicon carbide, and many other products.Pure silicon is a commodity product with a global production capacity of over 70 million metric tons per year. The supply range of pure silicon includes lumps/granules which are mined from silica sand deposits or produced as a by-product in the manufacture of ferrosilicon.
Testing of Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
The material is tested for purity, density and the presence of lumps or granules in the sample.The test is conducted by placing a small sample of the material on a flat surface and observing it carefully under a suitable light source. The presence of lumps or granules can be detected by looking for shadows cast by irregularities on the surface.Pure silicon is an amorphous semiconductor with properties between those of an insulator and a metal. Pure silicon has no band gap, which means that it cannot conduct electricity under normal conditions. It can conduct electricity only if heated to above 1414 degrees Celsius or cooled below 77 degrees Fahrenheit (-321 degrees Celsius).
Inspection of Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
The inspection of pure silicon is done in order to ascertain the purity and other properties of the material.The purity of silicon is determined by measuring the amount of oxygen present in the material.The purity can be measured by taking a sample from the lump and heating it until it melts. The amount of oxygen present in the sample can be determined by looking at how much light is absorbed when it is heated.

What is Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules?
What is Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules ?
Pure silicon is a chemical element with the symbol Si and atomic number 14. It is a hard, brittle, and highly crystalline solid that has a gray color.Pure silicon is the second most abundant element in Earth’s crust and makes up about 27% of it by weight. Pure silicon crystals are grown from molten silica in electric furnaces to produce high-purity polycrystalline silicon for semiconductor devices such as solar cells, integrated circuits, and semiconductor lasers.Silicon is also found in metal alloys typically used for making steel or other metal products; these metal alloys have an average of 2% to 6% of their composition as silicon. These include some stainless steels (1–2%), tool steels (0.5–2%), cast irons (0.5–1%), aluminium bronzes (3%), copper bronzes (3%).
Process of Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
The process of converting silicon into pure silicon is a long and complicated one. It starts with the mining of quartz, which is then purified to produce metallurgical-grade silicon. The metallurgical-grade silicon is then put through a process called ‘electrolysis’. This process involves the use of an electric current to break down the metallurgical-grade silicon into pure silicones.The process of converting lumps or granules into pure silicones is much simpler than converting quartz into metallurgical grade silicon. All that needs to be done is to heat up the lumps or granules and let them cool down for a few minutes in order for them to turn into pure silicones.
Important of Pure Silicon / Lumps/ Granules
Pure silicon is a form of silicon that has no other elements mixed in. Pure silicon is a substance that is not found in nature, but can be produced in the laboratory by heating sand or quartz. Pure silicon is the most important element in the production of semiconductors and microchips.The purity of pure silicon ranges from 99.9999999% to 99.99%. The purity of a pure substance determines its usefulness for different purposes. For example, a semiconductor with 99% purity would be good for making computer chips, but not good enough for making solar cells or LED’s because impurities affect how electrons flow through it and change its electrical properties.